Four State-Owned Banks are on Newsweek's List of World's Trusted Companies

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REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Uplifting news comes again from State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN). The transformation carried out by SOE under the leadership of SOE Minister Erick Thohir in the last five years had a major impact on improving the performance of SOEs.

One of the sectors experiencing significant losses is SOEs engaged in banking. Not to mention, four red plate banks were named the most trustworthy companies in the world in the 2024 edition of Newsweek Magazine.

In a report on September 20, 2024, Newsweek Magazine released 66 banks with the highest levels of trust. Four state-owned banks are PT Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) in 36th place, PT Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) in 30th place, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) in 17th place, and PT Bank Mandiri in 16th place.

Newsweek is a weekly news magazine published in New York City, USA and distributed worldwide. The magazine has the second-largest oplah in the US after Time in circulation and advertising revenue.

Newsweek Editor-in-Chief Nancy Cooper said trust is an important part of any relationship, from personal relationships to bonds between businesses and consumers. According to the PWC 2024 survey, Nancy said, 95 percent of business executives feel organizations have a responsibility to build trust.

“However, trust is declining in various industries, with concerns about data privacy, the use of AI, and lack of marketing transparency in a fast-moving global economy,” Nancy said on her official website quoted by Republika in Jakarta, Sunday (22/9/2024).

With these growing concerns, Nancy continued, trust became more valuable than ever. Nancy says the list summarizes a number of companies that have earned the trust of consumers, investors, and employees by producing quality products, paying employees fair wages, and appointing effective leaders.

“In its second year, the World's Most Trusted Company Award honors 1,000 companies in 23 industries and 20 countries, covering fields ranging from financial services and media to culinary and consumer goods,” Nancy said.

Nancy explains that the ranking is based on an independent survey involving more than 70,000 participants and 230,000 evaluations from customers, investors and employees. The ranking also includes social listening, an analysis of company mentions across social platforms.

“We hope this list helps find a reliable company, whether you're shopping, looking for a job, or looking to invest,” Nancy said.

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